Wednesday, April 29, 2015

"Unconditionally" by Paw Talk Blogger Harley

The difficult part of expressing an opinion might be conveying an objective viewpoint with equal emotional investment. The balance can easily be disproportionate when emotions are extreme or views are simply indifferent to prove a point. Why would this be noteworthy? Most likely, it does not matter or reflect upon one’s nature to contribute and understandably so. The clarification of the stance paw talk bloggers portray is a humorous, but heartfelt rendition acknowledging a relationship that is quite unique. With that said, this simply would never accredit the accountability of a high-strung Yorkie’s temperament... Maybe the phrase “adversity builds character” defines an acceptable explanation. The combination of a Yorkie and Poodle is commendable and definitely a union of sorts. How would I know? My Yorkie counterpart, Heather leaves no question to her stance and contribution toward any given subject or action. Since I am 4 years, her senior, wisdom does provide clarity to remove oneself from reachable retaliations. I mention not, the female/male gender relationship as my desire to remain ambiguous is necessary for peace. I am Harley, a blogger with wisdom, integrity and compassion for others. Loveable but a little less humorous as the innocent puppy-hood days are long gone.

Life changing moments are endless when the likelihood of ever finding no resistance from a certain female paw talk blogger probable… no paws pointed. The reality of wanting my life to be any different is not debatable. Heather is very much a part of our family. I could not imagine my life without her presence. Compassion for others begins with understanding acceptance does not render one weak. A forgiving nature offers positive coexistence most of the time. I would be the first to admit that Heather’s sassy attitude defines her bold, fearless character. Would the vision of a long, silky fur ball on short legs barking shrill octaves not yet known to mankind be intimidating? Funny how that perception works.  Knowledge or instinct initiates distance to be a wise factor.

The male poodle charisma is one of a majestic statue. When you think about it, how could it be any other way? The image alone is a prominent one. Not many breeds exhibit extreme hairstyles with a combination of bare skin and pompoms, not to mention the one on the end of their tail flying high. Can you image wagging that one? On another note, naked paws can be quite embarrassing too. One’s heritage provides a foundation to which allows future growth and individuality to evolve. The lovable shaggy dog image is proudly adopted. Although, beauty may be skin deep and literally so, intelligence is a predominant characteristic and valued trait. Emotional attachments are a bond of unconditional love and devotion. Does this include Heather? I am still searching for a loophole…

With Love and Devotion,
Paw Talk Blogger Harley

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