Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Dare to Dream by Sue Felder

Ever wonder what someone or even, what an animal or creature might be thinking? The concept of Rusty’s Chronicles originated in the year 2000. Long ago, I learned being a pet owner was a factor that would remain constant in my life. The unconditional love and devotion enriched and inspired me to share the adventures with various people in my life. Thus, the newsletter “Rusty’s Chronicles” was born. The favorable reaction to learning more about Rusty allowed his fan base to grow. The humorous account of Rusty’s adventures was refreshing and a way to reach out and thank various people for contributing to his life.
Really not knowing much about manuscripts or the publishing world I decided to set my goal to enjoy the process of writing. I completed the manuscript “Rusty’s Chronicles in roughly three months. So naturally one might expect the further pursuit of publication efforts, right? The fleeing thought crossed my mind, but the desire to treasure my accomplishment of completing the manuscript was enough. The manuscript remain tucked away in a drawer until 2013. One might wonder why publish now?
Lifelong dreams are only dreams unless you work towards making it a reality. Even though I am a private person, I believe the inspiration and journey experienced through writing Rusty’s Chronicles is one that should be shared. If I can bring laughter, or joy to one person, or inspire someone else, then I am honored and blessed as an author. I am excited about learning and growing as an author and will continue my passion of writing. Yes, there is plenty of room in the drawer for future manuscripts now that Rusty’s Chronicles is published.
Rusty’s Chronicles is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, I-Tunes, and Sarah Book Publishing. 

Amazon (Print & EBook)
Barnes & Noble
I-Tunes (EBook)
Sarah Book Publishing (print) 

Contact information for Sue Felder:


Thank you for sharing this journey with me.
Sue Felder

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