Friday, February 27, 2015

Harley's Tale

by Paw Talk Blogger -Harley

The passion behind loving brown eyes engaging undivided attention does promote favor. Would I use my adorable characteristics to obtain leverage? In a heartbeat as nature provided an undeniable charisma. The lifestyle of a beloved family pet is privileged. The close relationship and bond is one of unconditional love and devotion. I am fortunate and blessed to be a part of this type of family structure. The Poodle breed is highly intelligent and loyal so my character denotes the positive traits readily. Since I am of the male gender, I can personally speak to the attributes and will leave the details of such, for another time.

The nature of my existence is a blessing and a miracle. Love and devotion from family and friends help provide support to conquer challenges in life. A strong will for survival certainly helped but was not enough to heal a tiny sick puppy. My early years were touch-and-go filled with countless hours of nursing and prayer. The positive outlook and lovable nature of my character are genuine and heartfelt.

The acceptance of limitations within my lifestyle do not define my ability to give and help others. I believe experiences in life allow one to learn and grow. Alternative methods have provided a means to cope and succeed so that I can influence others. Years provide wisdom, and I have earned the right to be classified within the senior group. Translated this means it allows me to observe the youthful generation with humor and knowledge that peace is a valuable state of mind. Family decisions do not necessarily adhere to a majority rules. The reasoning behind adding a female Yorkie to the family dynamics is beyond me. So with that said, the addition of Heather to my life is definitely challenging but beneficial to sharpen and strengthen survival techniques. No doubt that my physical endurance prevails, and intelligence levels far surpass, so that, a threat is non-existent. The question if we are indeed compatible is not relevant as the entertainment provided to spectator's triumphs. Laughter is golden and when Mom is happy we are all happy.

Paw-Talk blog is a means for me to express my thoughts and viewpoint. Heather will also be blogging, so I look forward to her creativity and bantering.

Always yours,
Paw Talk-Blogger

For additional blogs and photos or to follow Harley-

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Heather Unleashed

by Paw Talk blogger - Heather

The picturesque vision of my shadow did not portray a dust mop heartthrob. One might tend to evaluate the circumstances that led to this intrusion into my life. True, Yorkshire Terriers are opinionated and somewhat headstrong. Naturally the ownership of a diva lifestyle is demanding and acquires a state of perfection. The loving family life I hoped to encounter was potentially a reachable means for one dedicated to conquering challenges and honoring brotherhood.

The Poodle breed is certainly devoted and loving, no question about it. Honestly, the thought of such loyalty permanently shadowing me was not a lifestyle plan. Maybe the real truth is not the challenge or imperfection, but the opportunity to embrace unconditional love. Tolerance has its limitations this is not an admission of fault but rather one of acceptance. So the confirmation that Harley is my brother constitutes a greater sense of compassion towards the family structure and my tolerance thereof.

A Harley bond and alpha order were already in place long before my existence. Harley is 52 years old calculated in human years (9 years in canine) and considered a senior. I am 36 years calculated in human years (5 in canine) and considered an adult in her prime; I might add. The difference in years does not constitute the pecking order of a diva. Logic of dominance entitled a role acceptance and undisputed crown to me, Heather. The expedient of a diva demonstrates a purity towards a higher standard in one’s lifestyle. The dilemma thus would naturally be the interfaced relationship with certain family members. No names mentioned as my loving nature does merit decency most of the time.

The nature of my contribution to the Paw Talk blog is to depict a level of quality to journal our life one paw print at a time. I leave you with a closing thought - what would my life be without Harley? Simply amazing, but boring.

With Love and Devotion,
Paw Talk Blogger

To follow Heather's journey:
Paw Talk blogs and photo albums will be posted at

What is next? Heather is posting Harley's baby puppy photos (to Harley's horror)!